Kolega braxtynh z XDA-developers opublikował kody aktywacyjna dla naszych HD2 działających pod WP7. Oto jego wiadomość:

"I have called and got some activation codes for the windows live on the HD2 WP7 ROM. The first Code might have ran out by now but it has worked for many people. The second code I just got from Microsoft and I haven't tested to see if it works. You can try the first one first and if it doesn't work then you can try the second one, and let me know if it works. I'm very glad to help out. I've ran into things where i needed help, and I received it. So as long as I can make up names and emails I will continue to get codes from Microsoft. I know it is easy t get codes in the US but I don't know about anywhere else. So this is just me paying it forward i guess
Activation Code 1: YDV39 4YD34 B748X XB94G WTGKC
Activation Code 2: W8QJP RT798 82QB7 MPGTW H4VVY
I would be so grateful if you filled up my thanks meter

Donations are accepted"

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